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Welcome to SQLite Series.😀

SQLite can be considered as a “lighter” version of other complex RDBMS (Oracle etc.), where its DB engine is configured for independent processing (in-process library) i.e. a server-less, self-contained, zero-configuration and transnational. It is generally embedded into any of the end programs or applications, unlike other RDBMS, where client-server DB engine is configured. The storage is locally stored on a single disk file, reading and writing are performed on the disk file directly.

In this SQLite Series , we covered from basic to advanced level,
  1. SQLite Installation
  2. SQLite Datatypes
  3. SQLite Query Operations
  4. SQLite Functions
  5. SQLite Transactions
  6. SQLite Injection Attacks
  7. SQLite Operators
  8. SQLite Joins
  9. SQLite Save Points

In this tutorial we discussed SQLite Series and the upcoming articles . If have any question related to this topic then give your feedback.

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