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In this article we will learn how to Reverse a String using C# in .NET Core console application. Here we discuss how to create a simple STATIC function which can be used in ASP.Net Web Forms, ASP.Net MVC, ASP.Net Core, Windows Applications and also Console Applications built in C#.

Creating a console application in .NET Core

You can create a .NET Core console application like below. This project using .NET Core 5.0

.NET Core console

Create a method that enables Reverse a string

Here we have create a common class that hold the Reverse string logic in C# like below.

Call the Reverse string inside program.cs

Here it ask to give input what we want to inverse, after giving input hit enter it will reverse the input.

Reverse a String

Here we input as India then it reverse the string as aidni

</> Find the Source Code in Github


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