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In this article we will discuss how to rename the Azure SQL Database using command Line(TSQL) or using GUI(SSMS). We recommend please go through our previous article How to connect Microsoft Azure database in SQL Server.

Rename using TSQL:
  • Connect to Azure Database Server using SSMS(SQL Server Management Studio)
  • Select the master database, right click on it and choose the new query
  • Now use alter command to rename the database.

➥ You can see that earlier our database name is CoreProgramm_employee

➥ Our next step is to rename CoreProgramm_employee to employee. Open the SSMS and connect to the Azure server with the Microsoft Azure credentials. 

➥ Once it connected select the master database, right click on it and choose the new query and run the below query,
     Alter Database CoreProgramm_employee modify name = employee 
You can see the now the Database has been renamed.

➥ You have to wait a little bit then refresh you Azure portal you can see the rename database is reflect also as like below;

In this tutorial we discussed how to rename the Azure SQL Database using command Line(TSQL) or using GUI(SSMS) . If have any question related to this topic then give your feedback.

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